In the framework of its European Seminars, the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) organized an international high-level conference entitled: “The Delphic Oracle on Europe: Politics and Policies“. In the course of the conference a group of around 40 leading academics, practitioners, think tankers and journalists analysed and evaluated the outcome of the 2009 European elections and debated the redefinition of economic governance in the EU in light of the current global crisis, Europe’s global role in a rapidly changing international environment, the perspectives for a “Green Europe”, and the future of the Lisbon Treaty. The conference took place between 25-28 June 2009, in Delphi, Greece.

The list of participants included among others: Josep Borrell Fontelles, Member of the European Parliament, PSE, Brussels; Dieter Helm, Professor of Energy Policy, University of Oxford; Zaki Laïdi, Professor at Sciences Po, Paris; Roger Liddle, Vice-Chair, Policy Network, London; Yves Mény, European University Institute (EUI), Florence; Pier Carlo Padoan, Deputy Secretary-General, OECD, Paris; André Sapir, European Centre for Advanced Research in Economics and Statistics, Université Libre de Bruxelles; Richard Sinnott, Professor of Political Science, University College Dublin; Jolyon Howorth, Jean Monnet Professor of European Politics at the University of Bath; Michael Stürmer, Chief Correspondent, Die Welt, Berlin; Paal Frisvold, Chairman of the Board, Bellona Europa, Brussels; Loukas Tsoukalis, President of ELIAMEP, Athens.

The conference has led to the publication of “The Delphic Oracle on Europe: Is There a Future for the European Union?”, by Oxford University Press.

The conference is supported by the European Commission, DG Education and Culture and Jean Monnet Programme and the National Bank of Greece.