The Climate Change Hub and the IT company Lioncode were honored for the Climate Change Hub’s Platform for the second time, receiving the gold award in the category “Specialized Sectoral Applications/Green transition” at the PPC BITE Awards 2023. The twelfth award ceremony was organized on Wednesday, September 21st by Boussias Events, under the auspices of the Ministry of Digital Governance and the Federation of Hellenic ICT Enterprises (SEPE). The award was received by Maria Logotheti, (President of the CCHub and advisor to ELIAMEP) and Konstantina Karydi (Vice-President of the CCHub), along with Christos Papadakis and Chrysafis Nathanailidis, Managing Partners of Lioncode.

The Platform is the backbone of the Climate Change Hub. It collects for the first time in one place- in a-one -stop -shop logic, data, and information from diverse stakeholders. The 332 municipalities of the country [Greece], civil society organizations, the private and the wider public sector. It creates new information and knowledge by sourcing and rendering relevant data more transparent and accessible. Participating stakeholders and citizens can independently upload data, actions, and events.; they follow the evolutions on climate transformation in Greece and beyond; become informed about available funding and related programs and projects. The platform brings together national, regional, and local stakeholders and facilitates networking. Also, through the Platform, international practices and know-how on the green transition and resilience are available tangibly bridging existing gaps of knowledge, capacity and connectivity. The Climate Change Hub Platform is a dynamic interactive tool that serves as a single point of reference, thus catalyzing information, while monitoring and assessing national targets’ implementation, based on the mapping of original local data.




Δημοσίευση: Thursday October 12th, 2023
Climate Change Hub and Lioncode receive the gold award in the category “Specialized Sectoral Applications/Green transition”
Maria Logotheti Senior Policy Advisor; Economist; Minister Counselor ad honorem