The analysis on the new European Pact on Immigration and Asylum, which was finally adopted on 10 April 2024 by the European Parliament under the Belgian EU Presidency, has been published.

The publication was edited by Loredana Teodorescu (Luigi Sturzo Institute) with a foreword by Prof. Antonetti, and with an introduction by European Commission Vice-President, Margaritas Schinas, and Belgian State Secretary, Nicole de Moor. It is the result of a series of policy dialogues organised by the Brussels office of the Hanns Seidel Foundation since 2021 and the Luigi Sturzo Institute.

In the publication, authors from the main European think tanks, reflect on the potential of the Pact and analyse the challenges and next steps to be taken.

ELIAMEP’s analysis concerns the case of Greece, authored by Dr Angeliki Dimitriadi, Senior Research Fellow and Head of ELIAMEP’s Migration Programme, and can be found in chapter 5.

Read the full publication here.




Δημοσίευση: Friday April 12th, 2024
Angeliki Dimitriadi Senior Research Fellow; Head of the Migration Programme