With respect to migration, the period 2014-2017 was characterised by reactionary policies and the outburst of far-right populist discourses. These important developments posed a normative challenge for the EU and particularly for its values which are supposed to lie at the core of the European project.

This report is based on an extensive research on official documents, agendas, discussions, public statements produced by European Institutions between 2014-2017, as well as informal semi-structured interviews with policy makers and researchers.

By paying attention to the values of solidarity, responsibility-sharing, saving lives at sea, human rights and the right to free movement, the present research identifies which norms and values are mobilised in EU’s institutional narratives with regards migration, and whether they are shared across the European institutions, at least as regards the official discourse.

You may find the Paper, here.

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Angeliki Dimitriadi Senior Research Fellow; Head of the Migration Programme
NoVaMigra Paper – Talking of Values: Understanding the Normative Discourse of EU Migration Policy
Haris Malamidis Research Fellow, Migration