The GEMS project was present at the yearly Projects to Policy Seminar event organised by the European Research Executive Agency (REA), the European Commission (DG Home) and the Community for European Research and Innovation for Security (CERIS) in Brussels, on June 25-26, 2024.


This annual event invites coordinators of newly launched civil security research projects to engage with policy makers and discuss the strategic directions of their initiatives. The seminar provided an excellent platform for GEMS and other projects to present their work, exchange insights, and align their research outputs with policy needs. The interaction with policy makers and other stakeholders was constructive, reinforcing the importance of collaboration in shaping effective and evidence-based security policies.

The objectives of this seminar were: a) to raise awareness among the relevant policy Directorates-General on the newly launched projects, b) to provide guidance to the new projects regarding policy-related outputs of interest to the policy Directorates-General, and c) to foster a common understanding among project representatives on the significance of policy deliverables and their potential impact on EU regulations and recommendations.

The GEMS project was represented by Prof. Maja Halilovic-Pastuovic, Coordinator of the GEMS project, and Bledar Feta, a P/CVE researcher in the GEMS research team ELIAMEP’s South-East Europe Programme and Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Macedonia. GEMS representatives, participated actively, presenting the project’s objectives, expected capabilities, and potential policy impacts. They focused on GEMS’s policy outreach task which aims to disseminate the knowledge generated by GEMS to relevant policy makers contributing to the creation of safe digital places for gamers.


You can learn more about GEMS by visiting project’s official website.

You can follow GEMS Project on Facebook , Twitter and LinkedIn.


Δημοσίευση: Monday July 15th, 2024
Bledar Feta Research Fellow, Foreign policy, domestic politics, human rights in South-East Europe
Maja Halilovic Pastuovic Research Fellow, South-East Europe Progamme, violent extremism, radicalisation, gaming and extremism, political conflict and extremism, ethno-radicalisation, sociology of extremism