Anna Triandafyllidou and Marina Nikolova identify new initiatives, actions and announcements related to Greece from the European Web Site on Integration.

Working Group on Migration was established with Decision Y359, issued in Government Gazette 1650/B/25 July 2011. The Working Group will assist the Prime Minister on the strategic planning of immigration policy in the country. The project facilitates and supports the development of specific policies concerning in particular: connection of migration with development needs of the country and the needs of the domestic labor market, promotion of social integration for third countries nationals, tackling irregular immigration, adoption of tools to manage migration flows, first reception of migrants and beneficiaries of international protection, efficient functioning of the asylum system, combat of racism and xenophobia. Chairman of the Working Group is Prof. Thomas Maloutas, vice president – Prof. Anna Triandafyllidou (team leader for the migration at ELIAMEP) and nine other members.




Δημοσίευση: Thursday October 27th, 2011
Working Group on Migration was established
Anna TRIANDAFYLLIDOU Professor, Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration, Ryerson University, Toronto