ELIAMEP organised an educational seminar titled: “Facilitators’ Training”, on Wednesday, June 21.

The project team of the European program EPACE-EU and members of EUYouthHub were trained on techniques helpful in organizing participatory seminars, such as world cafes, and learned ways of enticing the public in participating in open dialogues. The purpose of the workshop was to enable the staff of ELIAMEP to create the appropriate conditions so that the set of ideas and opinions of a group of individuals emerge in a creative way through participatory dialogues. In the long-run, the project team will apply these techniques when organizing events and activities in the framework of the EPACE-EU program.

In particular, this workshop included:

– Participatory dialogue methods

-Principles of Design and Coordination of participatory processes

-Theoretical and Mental Models of Participatory Leadership

Ms. Maria Skordialos, co-founder and partner of Living Wholeness Ltd, (UK), trained the participants. For the last 5 years he has been working in London as a trainer and strategic advisor to the British government on public administration and leadership, while also organizing management and leadership programs and seminars to the European Commission, the European Parliament and many countries in Europe, the USA, the Middle East and in Africa.

The training took place within the framework of the European program entitled: “Enhancing Public Awareness and Civic Engagement in the EU” (EPACE-EU), which is implemented by ELIAMEP and co-financed by the European Commission (European Education and Culture Executive Agency).

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the European Research Executive Agency can be held responsible for them.

24137Educational seminar: “Facilitators’ Training”
EPACE-EU (Enhancing Public Awareness and Civic Engagement in the EU)
Spyros Blavoukos
Angelos KarayannopoulosGina ApostolakiOdin LinardatouSavvas PapadopoulosDimitris Kollias