Andreas C. Hatzidiakos

Andreas C. Hatzidiakos

Research Fellow, South-East Europe Programme
After having spent over a decade working for the French government, first as an Advisor at the French Ministry of Defence, then as a Political and Military Advisor at the Permanent Representation of France to the EU and finally as a Seconded National Expert on Counter Terrorism at the European External Action Service, Andréas C. Hatzidiakos Ph.D. decided to take his expertise to the private sector. Through his company, NYX Consulting, he is providing strategy consulting services to public sector entities, designing and organizing training activities and workshops, providing threat assessments and conflict analyses (OSINT), and assisting private sector entities in responding to EU calls for tenders and managing resulting programs and projects. Andréas has been for the past 14 years a Visiting Lecturer at various institutions, including Sciences Po Paris, Sciences Po Rennes, Sciences Po Strasbourg, Université Catholique de Lille, Rey Juan Carlos University and Sciences Po Toulouse. His mother tongues are French, Greek and Italian, he’s fluent in English and has a good knowledge of German and Spanish, while still learning the Arabic language.
Andréas is a specialist in security and defence matters, with a focus on crisis management, counter-terrorism, and conflict prevention. His areas of expertise include conflict prevention and mediation, security sector reform, disinformation and FIMI, Islamist-inspired extremism, radicalization and recruitment and prevention of violent extremism. His geographical areas of focus include the Middle-East, North Africa, the Gulf, Yemen, West Africa, Sahel, Gulf of Guinea.