Ioannis Armakolas appeared on ERT’s show “SYNORA” with journalist Kalli Zarali where he spoke about the developments in North Macedonia that will be initiated by the return to power of the conservative VMRO-DPMNE, as well as the Beleri case and Greek-Albanian relations.

On North Macedonia, he said that the new government does not seem to want to fully undermine the Prespa Agreement, yet the issue of using the constitutional name will affect bilateral relations. On the one hand the VMRO-DPMNE government will need time to adjust, on the other hand the Greek side will in turn have to clarify its stance and what it wants to achieve at the bilateral level.

At the same time, he referred to Greek-Albanian relations, which are at a particularly low level, and stressed that the lost ground must be regained. He also referred to the Beleri case, arguing that the situation will be changed by the events themselves, namely the end of the period of imprisonment of the elected Mayor of Himarra and his election to the European Parliament, as the polls show.

You can read more and watch the interview in Greek here.

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Publication: Monday May 13th, 2024 | ΕΡΤ
Ioannis Armakolas Senior Research Fellow, Head, South-East Europe Programme