The paper of Dr. Ioannis Grigoriadis aims to explore Greece’s foreign policy in the Middle East in light of the Greek crisis and the “Arab Spring.” Capitalising on its cultural, military and institutional resources, Greece can devise policies with the aim to contribute substantially to conflict resolution in the Middle East, despite its acute economic crisis. This study comes up with three policy proposals whose implementation would not be financially prohibitive and would not exhaust Greece’s diplomatic capital: Greece could take a leadership position in addressing the question of piracy in the Horn of Africa, spearhead a campaign for the protection of Christian community rights in the Middle East and undertake a comprehensive institution-building training program in the Arab transition states. These policy measures could help re-establish Greek diplomacy in a region with strong historic, cultural and political links with Greece.

Categories: All publicationsELIAMEP Thesis
Ioannis N. Grigoriadis Senior Research Fellow, Head, Turkey Programme; Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies