In what ways can cultural heritage empower, cure, give voice? How can it build bridges between cultures and trigger personal memories?

This project invites refugees living in different parts of Attica to walk through the city and its historical heritage, to take photos and to reflect on sites, images, atmospheres and monuments that remind them of their places of origin and the heritage of their homelands. As the memories of the place left behind intersect with the urban landscape of Athens, a new city emerges – a city that is both the place of arrival and the place of origin.

Approximately thirty selected photos will form the central core of an exhibition, which will be accompanied by an open event/debate on cultural heritage and intercultural dialogue. This project is carried out within the framework of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 and also involves the publication of an exhibition catalogue, which will be available during the event.

By means of their cameras and mobile phones, the participants gain voice, develop an empowered gaze on their new city, narrate it themselves and express their personal viewpoints. They connect with Athens by tracing spaces of intimacy, memory and nostalgia, and in so doing they build cultural bridges that bypass national or European borders.



Our Heritage: Where the past meets the future
