The cumulative impact of climate change and the Covid-19 crisis brought forward the necessity to reevaluate our current urban and socio-economic development model, and to reassess it under the prism of the ever more relevant notion of resilience.​

The first year of operation of the program [Resilience and Recovery in Greece and Southeast Europe] was marked by the establishment of the Climate Change Hub (the CCHub and in Greek, Κόμβος για την Κλιματική Αλλαγή or KKA), a scalable multi-year initiative that resulted from the partnership of three international institutions: the international non-governmental organization “Resilience Cities Catalyst” (RCC), The “Democracy and Culture Foundation” (DCF) and the “Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy” (ELIAMEP). It operates as an independent non-for-profit entity in the context of the program Resilience and Recovery in Greece and S.E Europe. Eliamep, supports the Climate Change Hub’s operations through its senior advisors, reserchers and trainees.

The CCHub was established to (1) contribute to the green transition, (2) accelerate recovery and (3) achieve resilience to climate change, both in Greece and in the Southeast Europe alike, by bringing to light and supporting the various players active in climate change action and their initiatives, thereby giving voice to all relevant stakeholders and thus enabling society to take a more active role in the implementation of the green transition.

The main objective of the CCHub is to map out and to bring forward the various policies, initiatives and measures implemented by entities of the public and private sector and the civil society, to highlight the progress made at national level towards compliance with Greece’s national and European green transition commitments. All in all, it aims at connecting and building capacity, thus contributing to achieving national and European targets for the climate.

With the firm belief that the answer to the many challenges of our time lies in the strengthening of democratic institutions and that all stakeholders must undertake a more active role towards the achievement of the green transition, the CCHub aims to bridge the gap between scientific evidence, public policy and the civil society, by empowering social responsibility and providing the necessary tools and equal opportunities to citizens, agencies and all actors involved in climate change, so as to ensure a coordinated course of action across the board.

Through its activity, the CCHub aims to:

  1. Contribute to the dissemination of information and to enhance the communication channels between the various parties involved in climate action, through the digital platform (the Platform) (one stop shop).
  2. Accelerate the design and implementation of transformative projects focusing on green transition and resilience in municipalities across Greece, to be followed, at a later stage, by similar projects throughout the Southeast Europe,
  3. Inform and educate young professionals and job seekers on the green job marketplace, with an emphasis on those living in “vulnerable areas” , that are more exposed to and negatively impacted by climate change,
  4. Contribute to the creation of a connected community of actors involved in climate action, at national level.

Being the backbone of the CCHub, the digital Platform is a dynamic and interactive tool that gathers, in a single point of reference (one stop shop), all relevant data and information from different stakeholders active or involved in climate change action, namely the 332 municipalities, civil society organizations, the private and the wider public sector alike.

The stakeholders and citizens participating in the Platform can independently upload their climate action related data, initiatives, and events, follow current trends on climate transformation and be informed about available funding, as well as programs and projects related to their action. The platform brings together national, regional, and local stakeholders and facilitates networking. Through the operation of the Platform, international principles, guidelines and best practices related to the green transition and resilience are exchanged and further disseminated.

The action-mapping, which is carried out either by researchers or through independent data entry (crowd-sourcing) by the relevant stakeholders participating in the Platform, collects information and data, which are hosted in the interactive hub of the Platform.

Through its tools and applications, the Platform offers live comparison of data related to climate change actions taken at local, national as well as European level.

Programme partners:

Democracy & Culture Foundation (DCF)

Resilient Cities Catalyst (RCC)

Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP)


News and media:

Climate Change Hub and Lioncode receive the gold award in the category “Specialized Sectoral Applications/Green transition”

The Climate Change Hub organizes a discussion on overtourism as part of the Athens Democracy Forum 2023