Valia Gialia

Valia Gialia

Architect; Research Fellow and Project Manager at the HOMEACROSS project

Valia Gialia is an architect (NTUA, 2009) and doctoral researcher at the ERC Starting Grant HOMEACROSS hosted by ELIAMEP. At the same time, she is a PhD Candidate at the School of Architecture of the National Technical University of Athens (2019 – 2023) and also holds a MA in Museology – Cultural Management (AUTH, 2021). Her research interests include questions of exhibition design, architecture and museology.

Valia worked four years in the humanitarian sector for the implementation of EU-funded programs to address the refugee crisis in Greece (2016 – 2021). In this context, she also participated in exhibitions and cultural activities for the refugees. In the past, she has collaborated with important cultural organizations and museums in Greece for the design and coordination of exhibitions (Benaki Museum, OTE Telecommunications Museum), the organization of cultural events (SNFCC) and the curation of guided tours (OTOE). As a freelancer she has won awards in architectural competitions. She speaks Greek, English, French and Italian.
