AftershocksIn a series of workshops on the economic crisis, organized in conjunction with the network of strategists of a number of Dutch ministries, it became evident that there was a wide breadth of insight developing on this very new subject.
This book is a special project supported by the Dutch Scientific Council for Government Policy, and proposes to explore and document the institutional features of these new debates. It contains essays based on semi-structured interviews held from May to September 2009 with twenty-four experts from a broad range of fields and disciplines, including, among others, ELIAMEP President Loukas Tsoukalis, and Tony Atkison, Suzanne Berger, Anthony Giddens, Jacques Delors, Helmut Schmidt. These essays reflect on the origins of the crisis as well as the possible social, economic and political transformations it may engender. The volume covers a wide range of topics: from the need for a new European narrative that helps to position the European Union in a world order shaped by a new geopolitical and economic balance of power, to the need to reform the academic discipline of economics. The volume clearly shows that we cannot and should not wish to return, either theoretically or institutionally, to the world that preceded the crisis and demonstrates the need for new paradigms, institutions, wisdom and ideas.

Title Aftershocks: economic crisis and institutional choice
Author Anton Hemerijck, Ben Knapen, Ellen van Doorne (eds.)
Edition Amsterdam University Press, 2009
Categories: All publications
Loukas Tsoukalis President of the Board, ELIAMEP, Professor, Sciences Po, Paris, Professor Emeritus, University of Athens