This is a new publication by Filippa Chatzistavrou entitled “The permanent representatives: diplomats like the others?” in The field of Eurocracy: a political sociology of the EU staff (Dir. D.Georgakakis), Economica, 2012, which is the first comprehensive book using the Bourdieusian approach to examine EU actors (Pierre Bourdieu, a leading French sociologist 1930-2002).

What do we know about European parliament members, Commissioners, civil servants, permanent representatives, lobbyists and interest representatives who, within or in close connection with European institutions, give substance to the EU? This collective book is the first work covering the entire population. It provides interesting answers to the above questions by mobilizing original approaches and renewing, in the USA as well as Europe, European integration theory. You can find more information here.

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Filippa Chatzistavrou Research Fellow (2009-2023)