The eBook The Euro Crisis and the State of European Democracy. Contributions form the 2012 EUDO Dissemination Conference edited by Bruno de Witte, Adrienne Héritier and Alexander H. Trechsel (EUI/RSCAS/EUDO) is now available by EUDO. This eBook includes revised papers which were initially presented at the conference “2012 EUDO Dissemination Conference: The Euro Crisis and the State of European Democracy” including a paper by Professor Anna Triandafyllidou and Junior Researcher of ELIAMEP Michaela Maroufof entitled ‘EU Citizenship and Intra EU Mobility: a Virtuous Circle Even in Times of Crisis’ based on the results of the MOVEACT research program. You can download the eBook here.

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Chapter by A. Triandafyllidou and M. Maroufof in the eBook The Euro Crisis and the State of European Democracy
Anna TRIANDAFYLLIDOU Professor, Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration, Ryerson University, Toronto