The present report provides an in-depth assessment of integration policies and outcomes in the case of Greece by specifically bringing into focus the needs of three migrant groups who for various reasons are commonly considered to be especially vulnerable: women, children and victims of trafficking (VoTs). Do the migrant integration policies and programmes in Greece meet the specific integration needs of these three vulnerable migrant groups? In addressing this question, the present report describes and evaluates both a) the general national framework for the integration of migrants and the extent to which existing legal provisions and policy frames acknowledge and take into account the specific needs and conditions of these especially vulnerable immigrant subgroups, and b) the extent to which the application and implementation of existing laws, policies and practices promote a degree of integration of migrant women, children and VoTs in Greece, on the basis of measurable indicators. The assessment of integration outcomes focuses on collecting quantitative (statistical) data about the levels of integration of each of the three vulnerable migrant groups in comparison to the following groups: migrant women in comparison to migrant men; migrant women in comparison to women in the total population (native women); migrant children in comparison to children in the general population (native children).

Authors: Dia Anagnostou, Eda Gemi

You can read the report here.

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Dia Anagnostou Senior Research Fellow, Gender Politics and Gender Equality, Human Rights, Immigration, Minorities, International Courts and Governance, Southeast Europe
Monitoring and Assessing the Integration of Vulnerable Migrants in Greece: Report on results
Eda Gemi Research Associate; Associate Professor and Head of Law Department at the University of New York, Tirana