In his Working Paper Ambassador (retired) Alexandros Mallias analyses the perspectives for  improving the relations between Greece and the former Yugoslav Republic of  Macedonia the day after the formation of a new Government in Skopje. Alexandros  Mallias, who was first Head of Mission of Greece to Skopje, 1995-1999, suggests that the two governments should not raise high expectations. They should work to enhance and expand  the Confidence Building Measures’ Process  and  rather opti for a quiet diplomacy on the name issue He stresses that  fYROM’s  1991 Constitution  is a bad one ,being the root cause of problems  with  its neighbors as well as of the  endemic interethnic conflict. It was already amended  30 (thirty) times within 15 years. He is of the opinion that there are still some extra miles to go.

Mallias, former Ambassador to Albania, analyses the Political Declaration of the Albanian Leaders in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, stressing  its importance for addressing the inter-ethnic tensions between Slavs and Albanians and for solving the name issue with Greece.

Mallias, who also served as Ambassador of Greece to Washington  (2005-2009), stresses that  early -since 2007- Greece’s warnings, grievances and reactions to former P.M. Gruevski’s irredentism, nationalism and provocations proved now  to be accurate and right. Yet, the former Prime Minister was not alone in this course of action. He was supported by those  in Skopje who today disapprove him ,including some international actors. Greece will wait to see if the words of the new government in Skopje will be matched by deeds. Nationalism is still omnipresent in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia starting from  school  textbooks.

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