This working paper traces the experience emanating from the first year of the implementation of the project for the inclusion of refugee children in the Greek education system run by the Greek Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs. The paper analyzes the existing action plan for integration as well as the problems encountered and the gaps identified throughout its implementation. Based on this evaluation, it proceeds to a series of recommendations, taking into account the experience and good practices from Greece and other European countries. The paper highlights the changes and proposals in the revised Education Plan for the school year 2017-2018, taking into consideration the Assessment Report drafted by the working group from the Ministry of Education and published in 2017. This research brief on the education of the refugee children is written on the occasion of the round-table discussion held at ELIAMEP in June 2017. Participants included experts from the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, the Ministry of Migration Policy, representatives of non-governmental organizations and other relevant stakeholders.

Working Paper 84/2017:  ‘The inclusion of refugees in the Greek education system’

Authors: Dr Dia Anagnostou and Ms Marina Nikolova

Categories: All publicationsWorking Papers
Dia Anagnostou Senior Research Fellow, Gender Politics and Gender Equality, Human Rights, Immigration, Minorities, International Courts and Governance, Southeast Europe
Marina NIKOLOVA Research Associate, Migration