ELIAMEP’s South-East Europe Programme and the Albanian Institute for International Studies (AIIS) have teamed up to implement the first ever joint effort for a comprehensive study of the status of relations between Greece and Albania. The first step in this collaborative effort was to scientifically map the attitudes and perceptions that the two societies hold for one another through the first ever parallel opinion polls conducted in the two countries. The opinion polls were made possible through the generous financial support of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. The funding for opinion poll in Greece was implemented in the context of the FES-funded project «Promoting the Western Balkan accession process in the contxt of the Greek EU Presidency».

The two opinion polls were conducted in Albania by the AIIS in April 2013 and in Greece by Public Issue, a prominent polling agency commissioned by ELIAMEP, in November 2013. The two polls are largely comparable. The questionnaires of both polls emanate from a common pool of questions. However, each side had the opportunity (and used it) to adjust questions in order to make them more relevant for the particular public as well as to add questions in order to collect more data and insights useful for analysis. The findings of the two polls were analysed separately by the two partner institutes and published in separate English-language reports in December 2013. The present report presents the findings of the poll conducted by Public Issue in Greece. However, for a comprehensive understanding of the reader is urged to read this report in conjunction with the AIIS report entitled «Albania and Greece: popular perceptions on bilateral relations», which analyses the findings of the poll conducted in Albania.

Report: The Greek public opinon towards Albania-Final report (Dec 2013)

Authors: Dr. Ioannis Armakolas

Report: The Greek public opinon towards Albania-Final report (Dec 2013)

Authors: Dr. Ioannis Armakolas

Categories: All publications
Ioannis Armakolas Senior Research Fellow, Head, South-East Europe Programme