• The pandemic gave extremist groups the opportunity to strengthen their narratives.
  • They intensified their mobility on the internet, with the aim of further radicalization and recruitment, as well as provoking attacks.
  • Far-right narratives target and blame various national, racial or religious groups for the crisis.
  • Left-wing and anarchist extremist organizations place particular emphasis on the pandemic crisis, even creating specialized websites or discussion forums.
  • In the West, jihadist organizations, and especially lone actors, can attack health and perceive health facilities as attractive targets.
  • New and independent forms of violent activism and extremism linked to conspiracy theories and technophobia are emerging.

You may find the Policy brief by Triantafyllos Karatrantos, Research Fellow of ELIAMEP here. (in Greek language).

Categories: All publicationsPolicy briefs
Triantafyllos Karatrantos Senior Research Fellow, Radicalisation, Terrorism, Policing Models, Security and Foreign Policy