We have undoubtedly entered a new era. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world in ways and to lengths that we can still not begin to fathom. Economics, politics, international relations, and governance, on all levels seem to be fundamentally changing. In our vastly interconnected world, where poor hygienic conditions in a provincial wet market, can within months bring the whole world into a standstill, global governance undoubtedly requires an overhaul to avert the next pandemic. Crucial institutions like the World Health Organization and the United Nations will need to be revamped, strengthened and upgraded. Leadership cannot be a la carte, and global cooperation in the face of existential global crises cannot be elective. Pandemics, climate change, conflicts, resource scarcity, and other major crises or challenges that require to some measure global responses, will need to be managed differently going forward. A change of course is inevitable, if we want to secure the future of this world. And fresh leadership on all levels is direly needed. This Policy Brief suggests that the leaders of this new era will need a new compass to navigate the pressing challenges and the uncertainties, with sustainability and responsibility as key pillars.

You may find the Policy brief by Dr. Vassilis G. Apostolopoulos, CEO of the Athens Medical Group (AMG), and President of the Hellenic Entrepreneurs Association, here (in Greek language).

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