ELIAMEP provides the channel for recruiting Greek students for the Master’s Programme at the College of Europe through the Greek Selection Committee for the College of Europe, which operates on the ELIAMEP premises. The College of Europe is a centre of academic excellence, with fιve programmes, leading to a Master’s degree. It operates in two campuses, in Bruges (Belgium) and Natolin (Poland). The four one-year programmes are: Politics/Administration, Law, Economics in Bruges, and an Inter-disciplinary programme in Natolin. A new programme has been launched in 2006-2007 in Bruges EU International Relations and Diplomacy which will focus on the EU/s external relations.


The requirements for admission are a relevant University degree of good standard and working knowledge (writing and speaking) of English and French.

Closing date for applications is 15 January 2013. Interviews for short-listed candidates take place in April / May in Athens by the Greek Selection Committee.

Application files should include the documents (in English or in French) listed below:

1. The Application Form of the College of Europe.

2. The Language Knowledge Statement (which can be found at the College of Europe website).

3. a CV indicating the totality of your studies as well as the grades obtained.

4. a certified Copy of your degree(s) (if you are not yet in possession of your final degree, please send it as soon as it is available).

5. a transcript from your University, Faculty, School, detailing results for every year of your studies and grades obtained.

6. 2 letters of recommendation from two of your university teachers (Please ask your professors for 2 copies of each letter in a separate sealed envelope. Add 1 copy to the application sent to the selection committee in Greece, and 1 copy to the application sent to the Admissions Office of the College).

No other documents are required.

Please note that applications which are not complete, especially with respect to the certificates detailing the results of your studies and the marks obtained cannot be taken into consideration.

Please also note that the Master’s Degrees awarded from the College of Europe are now recognized from the National Academic Recognition Information Center (NARIC).

Applications should be sent to BOTH the College of Europe and ELIAMEP, at the following addresses:

  • College of Europe

    Admissions Office

    College of Europe – Bruges

    Dijver 11

    BE-800 Brugge



    College of Europe

    49, Vas Sofias Ave, 106 76 Athens


View the Brochure of the College.

For further information and a brochure, do not hesitate to contact Ms. Haroula Hioti, tel: 210 360 7611.




Δημοσίευση: Tuesday November 1st, 2011