Women and the media in the EUmedia industries in Europe: Study on Area J of the Beijing Platform for Action: Women and the Media in the European Union

Project consortium: Karen Ross (UK) – PI; Claudia Padovani (Italy) – Senior Researcher; Monia Azzalini (Italy); Zsazsa Barát (Hungary):

Funder: European Institute for Gender Equality

National researcher for Greece: Dr. Dimitra Dimitrakopoulou, ELIAMEP (Host institution of national researcher)

This project intends to develop a set of gender indicators to be used by media organisations in Europe, responding to the recommendations of the Beijing Platform for Action in relation to improving the position of women in decision-making across the media landscape. The objectives set by the project are: a) to discover how many women occupy decision-making positions in major media companies across the EU Member States and Croatia, both in terms of their job titles but also their membership of boards and committees within their organisations; b) to identify the extent to which media organisations have developed gender equality policies/codes of conduct on gender equality and if so, their content and broad approach; c) to undertake a TV monitoring exercise which compares the visibility of women and men in factual programming.




Δημοσίευση: Monday July 9th, 2012