In his new book: The Miracle of China: The New Symbiosis with the World Dr George N. Tzogopoulos attempts to analyze China’s thinking in domestic and international affairs. China’s diachronic success has been based on its ability to learn from the policies of the Soviet Union and introduce market elements in its economy. The introduction of these elements, however, has not aimed at transforming China into a Western-style capitalist state but into a stable socialist economy where market characteristics favor growth, progress and stability. In the 21st century, and especially under the leadership of President Xi Jinping, China is in the process of recalibrating its growth model. Nevertheless, while world conditions had been initial ideal in fostering China’s rise, especially after the WTO accession, the reorientation of US foreign policy under Presidents Trump and Biden is posing serious challenges and is subsequently influencing the skeleton of international relations. China prioritizes domestic development and the preservation of deep trade ties with almost all world countries in the globalized environment, shaped, inter alia, by the Belt and Road Initiative, and safeguards what it calls as ‘core interests’ in foreign policy. The book is synthesized around six chapters narrating China’s history, and analyzing the Belt and Road Initiative, China’s relations with the Europe, as well as with Greece as a case study, the new pendulum of international relations, and the fight against COVID-19 pandemic.

Publisher: Springer (in English) – China Social Sciences Press (in Chinese)

About the Book (Introduction by Professor Evangelos Venizelos, former Deputy Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic):

“George N. Tzogopoulos offers a complete, comprehensive, and authoritative account about China. The book is written with research and intellectual honesty and deep knowledge of the field. It offers a synthesis of a large amount of data, employs research tools of international relations theory, and presents material in a systematic and legible way. The author knows China well, collaborates with Chinese researchers, but is not only interested in China. He monitors many fronts of international politics and economics, integrating thus Chinese affairs into the international environment and its contradictions. This allows a more complete and balanced view of China’s international relations and their perspective. George N. Tzogopoulos is a credible analyst and has gravitas in his discipline. He proves this with his book.”





Δημοσίευση: Tuesday October 26th, 2021
George Tzogopoulos Senior Research Fellow, Media; International relations; Chinese affairs