Panagiotis Paschalidis, Research Fellow at the South – East Europe Programme of ELIAMEP, presented a paper, co – authored with Ioannis Armakolas, entitled “COVID19 and Migration in the Media of Greece and North Macedonia: Agenda Setting and De – Prioritization in the Context of the Pandemic (2020)“.

The presentation took place in the context of the conference “New Dynamics of East – West Migration and Migrant Integration within Europe and Beyond” organized by the University of Sussex (UK) and the H2020 project MIRNET. The paper was part of a panel dedicated to the research carried out by the H2020 MIGREC partners, including ELIAMEP’s South – Eastern Europe Programme.




Δημοσίευση: Wednesday November 17th, 2021
COVID19 and Migration in the Media of Greece and North Macedonia: Agenda Setting and De – Prioritization in the Context of the Pandemic (2020) – Presentation of paper by P. Paschalidis & I. Armakolas
Panagiotis Paschalidis Research Fellow, Media representations of the Balkan region
Ioannis Armakolas Senior Research Fellow, Head, South-East Europe Programme