In a study published in Tirana Observatory, Alexandra Voudouri analyses how the media in both countries portray Greek – Albanian relations, following a public opinion conducted recently by Albanian Institute for International Studies (AIIS) entitled: “Albanian-Greek relations: Perceptions and Realities”, as well as a poll conducted by ELIAMEP and the Open Society Foundation for Albania (OSFA)in 2021 on “Relations between Albania and Greece”.

On the hypothesis that “the media in both countries go hand in hand with politics”, her study tried to answer one main question in relation to the stories published by Greek and Albanian media (printed and online): “how did the media cover the selected cases?”

Two case studies were selected that cover both negative and positive aspects of Greek – Albanian relations in the period between July 2019 and November 2021: a. the agreement of the two countries to refer their maritime zones issue to the International Court of Justice, in October 2020, b. the exhibition organized by the Cham association outside the Presidential Palace, in November 2021.

The cases were selected to be related to some of the key findings of polls conducted by key findings of polls conducted by both AIIS and ELIAMEP & OSFA.

The study gives some insights into the general picture that the media feed into public opinion in both countries and some recommendations on how the media could play a decisive role in improving the atmosphere in the bilateral relations of the two neighbouring countries.

You may read the study here.





Δημοσίευση: Wednesday February 2nd, 2022
“Greek – Albanian Relations: Media as an Extension of Official Policy” – Alexandra Voudouri
Alexandra Voudouri Research Fellow, Journalist, media analysis, Foreign & European affairs policies