ELIAMEP participated, as the only Greek Foundation, for yet another year at the Berlin Process Civil Society and Think Tank Forum organized by the Southeast Europe Association and Aspen Institute Germany November 1-2, in Germany’s capital.

This year’s two -day conference examined several joint policy recommendations that were presented and further discussed with the heads of governments at the Berlin Process Summit, on November 3, this year, in Berlin.

The policy recommendations elaborated by think tanks and civil society organizations were further examined and discussed with useful inputs of the participants, during workshops and public discussions with decision – makers from the Western Balkans and the EU. The 2022 policy recommendations focused on: Green Agenda: Energy Transition, Climate Change, Protection of the Environment and Environmentally Sustainable Development, EU Integration in a Changing Geopolitical Environment, Information Disorder, and Infrastructure Investments.

ELIAMEP’s South-East Europe Programme has been supporting this initiative -within the framework of the Berlin Process- since its beginning, as it provides a useful platform for best-practice exchange and networking among CSOs from the region and the EU, facilitating cross-regional and transnational initiatives and ideas. This year, Alexandra Voudouri represented ELIAMEP at the Forum and actively participated at the workshops and the public discussions of the event.

More on the program here.




Δημοσίευση: Monday November 7th, 2022
Berlin Process: Civil Society and Think Tank Forum 2022 – Alexandra Voudouri
Alexandra Voudouri Research Fellow, Journalist, media analysis, Foreign & European affairs policies