Bledar Feta is one of the authors of a research paper which puts under the microscope the impact of Covid-19 on Albanian Civil Society Organizations. Civil society is one the sectors significantly affected by the pandemic crisis due to the necessary measures of social distancing applied by governments. In this context, this paper provides a clear understanding of the way that these measures have affected the activities of CSOs in Albania based on a sample of 32 interviews with representatives of civil society organizations across the country. This paper is not only providing a clear image of the situation, but it also helps to better understand the questions of democracy and political culture in regard with the overall impact of Covid-19. The paper is co-authored with Jordan Jorgji and Gjergji Qosja and was published on the journal of the ‘Fan S. Noli’ University, Korça, Albania.

You can read the research paper here.




Δημοσίευση: Thursday December 22nd, 2022
Bledar Feta Research Fellow, Foreign policy, domestic politics, human rights in South-East Europe