What is the relationship between indicators like media competencies, media usage data, free speech protection, media accountability and the risks and opportunities for deliberative communications? Members of the MEDIADELCOM consortium explain their concerns and optimism when it comes to the media in a podcast episode. The podcast coincides with the launch of a MEDIADELCOM e-book. The e-book explores the work of the project and the state of media in Europe.

The guests in this podcast episode are:

Tobias Eberwein, Austrian Academy of SciencesMarcus Kreutler, Erich Brost Institute for International JournalismAnna Kandyla, ELIAMEPRagne Kõuts-Klemm, University of TartuIlva Skulte, Rīga Stradiņš UniversityAl Matthews, University of Tartu

You can listen to the podcast episode, produced by the Media Diversity Institute Global, member of the MEDIADELCOM consortium and hosted by Tanya Sakzewski here.

You can access the e-books (in EN and the national languages of the participating countries), here.




Δημοσίευση: Monday July 24th, 2023
Anna Kandyla Research Fellow, Media and Political Communication, European Politics, Political Participation, Democracy