Ioannis Armakolas was in Berlin on November 2 at the invitation of Germany’s Federal Foreign Office and participated at a Policy Planning Workshop which examined ways to make the EU better and more efficient as a global actor, in light of current enlargement and reform debates.

The conclusions of the workshop have been raised during the various sessions that took place afterwards within the framework of a Ministerial Conference hosted by Germany’s foreign office on “A larger, stronger Union: Making the European Union fit for enlargement and future members fit for accession”.

Μore details about the Ministerial Conference here:

Workshopimpressionen, aufgenommen im Rahmen der Konferenz ‘A larger, stronger Union’ im Auswaertigen Amt in Berlin, 02.11.2023.

Photographs copyright: ©


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Δημοσίευση: Friday November 3rd, 2023
Ioannis Armakolas Senior Research Fellow, Head, South-East Europe Programme