logoThe Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) is interested in hosting researchers intending to submit an application for the call of Individual Fellowships in the framework of the Irish Research Council MSCA CAROLINE 2017 fellowships. All fellowships under CAROLINE will be hosted by an Irish research-performing organisation (RPO), with international and inter-sectoral mobility.

The application process is to be driven by prospective applicants, which includes identification of suitable host organisations and mentors (academic as well as in the NGO/IO sector). Applicants would then liaise with their prospective academic mentor (in host organisation) as well as with their proposed secondment mentor (in partner organisation) as they are preparing their fellowship application.

From the point of view of deadlines applicable to organisations participating in a proposal, the application process will involve completing a brief online form in advance of the applicant deadline (which is 4pm Ireland time on 30th November 2016) on behalf of the organisation. The proposed secondment mentor will then be required to complete an online statement in support of the application; deadline for submitting this statement is 4pm Ireland time on 7th December 2016.

The Council offers two types of CAROLINE fellowships.

α) Irish fellowships- Researchers awarded an Irish fellowship will be hosted by a home host institution in Ireland for two years, with a mandatory secondment of between six and twelve months’ duration during this time to a main partner organisation with an optional placement to a placement partner organisation possible (up to three months). Eligible applicants are those of any nationality or residency who have not been in Ireland for more than twelve months in the three years prior to the time of recruitment.

β) International fellowships- Researchers awarded an International fellowship will spend the first two years seconded to their main partner organisation outside Ireland, with a mandatory one-year return phase at their home host organisation in Ireland, with the potential for optional placements to placement partner organisation(s). Placements can be up to six months in the outgoing phase and another six months in the return phase.

Eligible applicants are those who have not been in the country of the main partner organisation outside Ireland for more than twelve months in the three years prior to the time of recruitment.

All CAROLINE applicants must fulfil the criteria for one of the two experienced researcher types mentioned in the document 2017 CAROLINE Terms and Conditions. For example as regards “Experienced researcher type 1”, the researcher should have been awarded the doctoral degree within the seven-yearperiod before the time of recruitment.

CAROLINE fellows must not be a permanent member of staff in a HEI/RPO in Ireland or elsewhere. CAROLINE fellows must not be a permanent member of staff in the proposed main partner organisation. Eligibility criteria and mobility requirements for candidate fellows are available in the document 2017 CAROLINE Terms and Conditions.

ELIAMEP’s application to act as a partner organisation has been approved by the Irish Research Council. ELIAMEP invites all applicants interested to submit an application for a Fellowship to the Council with ELIAMEP as a partner, to send a short CV and a summary presentation of their research proposal, prior to submitting their application online, to the email address: development@eliamep.gr .

Applications will be submitted via the Council’s online application system due to open for CAROLINE applications in mid-October. All applicants must create and complete their submission through the online system by the deadline of 16:00 (Irish time) on 30 November 2016.