ELIAMEP wishes to include one part-time trainee in its team. The candidate selected will work with Dr. Evangelia Psychogiopoulou and Ms. Anna Kandyla on media issues.

The position is non-paid and available from September 16, 2019 to December 20. The trainee will be asked to help in the collection of data, secondary material and in the writing of short texts in English.

Qualifications required:

  • Graduate of a postgraduate program of a Greek or a foreign University in law or in communication and media.
  • Excellent knowledge of Greek and English (both written and oral).
  • Excellent computer knowledge and use of the internet.
  • Diligence and developed teamwork ability.

Deadline for submission of applications: Until 24 June 2019

Please send your curriculum vitae to eliamep@eliamep.gr along with a short letter of interest in English, indicating the position code “INTERN_MEDIA1”.