The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) is inviting applications for one (1) part-time postdoctoral researcher position at its Programme on Turkey. The candidate will conduct research on Turkish domestic and foreign policy and provide support for the development of the Program within ELIAMEP.

Job Description

The post-doctoral researcher will be part of the recently established Program on Turkey at the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) led by Dr. Ioannis N. Grigoriadis. The Programme on Turkey aims at the following objectives:

  • Systematic observation of actors and policies, domestic and foreign, in Turkey that influence its relationship with Greece, its other neighbors, the European Union and other regional and global actors
  • Dissemination of reliable information and informed, solution-oriented analysis on Turkish politics promotion of expert and public dialogue on Turkey
  • Production of high-quality research and policy analysis publications
  • Establishment of ELIAMEP as a regional and European point of reference in policy debates about Turkey, spanning from Greek-Turkish bilateral issues to topics of regional security, European and transatlantic interest

By promoting closer relations, synergies, networking with leading think tanks ‎and researchers in Turkey, EU member states and the United States, and aiming to nurture a generation of young researchers on Turkey, ELIAMEP aspires to rise through the Program to a center of excellence and a ‎leading reference European policy research center on Turkey.

The Fellow will preferably reside in Athens and fully participate in the activities of ELIAMEP (including attending workshops and seminars).

Selection Criteria

  • PhD degree in social sciences or humanities (PhD candidates defending within the fall semester of the academic year 2020-2021 will also be considered)
  • Fluency in English, Turkish and preferably Greek
  • Demonstrated record of research achievement
  • Experience in preparation of policy reports
  • Experience in conducting content and discourse analysis-based research
  • Aptitude for project management
  • Ability to work independently and in a team

Main Duties

  • Assist the Program Director in Programme implementation, including the timely delivery and reporting of all Programme deliverables, quality assurance of Programme deliverables, communication with team members and dissemination
  • Coordinate all Programme activities (publications, conferences, newsletter etc.)
  • Act as liaison between the Programme director and the Programme interns, supervise and help with mentoring them
  • Assist in the preparation of financial and other administrative reports of the Programme
  • Assist in the preparation of grant applications

Terms and Conditions

This part-time position is offered for initially one year, preferably from 1 September 2020, to be extended for two more years upon satisfactory performance. Remuneration will be competitive and commensurate with experience and qualifications of the nominee.

Diversity-Equal Opportunities

The Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) is strongly committed to diversity within its community. ELIAMEP remains committed to equal opportunities in the evaluation and recruitment of its personnel, and it does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race or ethnic origin, religious and other convictions, sexual orientation, age, or disability.


Applicants should submit:

  • a cover letter, outlining how their academic, research and professional background makes them a good fit for the position
  • a detailed curriculum vitae
  • one (1) writing sample with a maximum length of 10,000 words
  • the names and contact details of two people who may be contacted to provide a reference on behalf of the candidate

Please submit your application with the term “Turkey Program” in the subject line to no later than 31 July 2020 (23:59 EEST). Review of applications will begin on 1 August 2020, and the selection procedure will be concluded in August 2020. Selected candidates will be invited to online interviews and are kindly requested to remain available during this period.


If you wish to further inquire about the position, please establish direct contact with Dr. Ioannis N. Grigoriadis, Programme Director, email

GDPR Policy

The processing of information collected through job applications takes place in full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 679/2016 of the European Union. In particular, personal data is subject to lawful processing in a transparent manner. The data are collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and are not processed in any way incompatible with the original purposes. By providing personal information, such as the “first and last name” and “email”, you agree and consent to the use and disclosure with the aim of receiving information about ELIAMEP’s activities.

Our Organization

The Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) is an independent, non-‎governmental, non-profit think tank and research organization, established in Athens, Greece in 1988. ‎Its mission is to produce research-based ideas for policy and promote a pluralistic public dialogue on critical issues for Greece and for Europe. Acting as a laboratory of research, publications, events (both online and in-person), ELIAMEP bridges academia with policy and fosters debate. From its founding, ELIAMEP is committed to the values of peace, security, mutual understanding, transnational dialogue and cooperation, with its capital being knowledge-based, derived out of ELIAMEP’s research and researchers. Its legacy, with its work, expert researchers and initiatives, leaves a distinct imprint in Europe and Greece.

ELIAMEP’s research and activities’ focus lies geographically on the regions of the EU, Balkans, Middle East and the wider Mediterranean. Its expertise spans over a wide range of fields:

  • Greek foreign policy, specializing in Greek-Turkey relations
  • European Institutions and policies
  • International and regional security and conflict resolution
  • Transatlantic relations
  • Democracy and human rights
  • Good governance and the rule of law
  • Religion and culture
  • Globalization, crisis and reforms
  • Migration management
  • Climate Change
  • Geopolitics of energy
  • The role of the media in the age of “fake” news

ELIAMEP is committed to excellence in policy deliberation, research and training, as well as by ‎providing a tribune for open dialogue through its official site and the social media.‎ Its main activities include: (a) preparation of policy recommendations at the national and European ‎level; (b) contribution to the public dialogue on critical issues in Greece and Europe; (c) organization ‎and delivery of various kinds of information and awareness-raising activities to promote public ‎debate; and (d) collaboration with key stakeholders in all areas of public life (government institutions, ‎the NGO community, universities and research centers, the private sector, etc.).‎

International rankings of think tanks put ELIAMEP at the top of the list among its counterparts in ‎South Eastern Europe and in a very good position among European think tanks. Specifically, ELIAMEP ranked No.1 think tank in Greece in the University of Pennsylvania’s 2019 Global Go To Think Tank Ranking and among the top 50 “Best Think Tank Network” in the world. In December 2017, ‎the Foundation was the recipient of an Athens Academy Award for its long-time contribution to public ‎dialogue and policy planning in its fields of expertise. Moreover, ELIAMEP is an active member of ‎several international networks, such as the New Pact for Europe, Mercator European Dialogue, Euro-‎Mediterranean Study Commission (EuroMeSCo), the Arab Reform Initiative, the European Policy ‎Institutes Network (EPIN) and the European Expert Network on Culture and the Audiovisual ‎‎(EENCA).‎