The European Academy Berlin ( is introducing its European project RECLAIM: European Role Models on the topics of feminist politics and resilient women in digital space. The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) along with the Association for International Affairs (AMO), Czech Republic and the Polish Robert Schuman Foundation, Poland is a partner on this project.

The project RECLAIM ( addresses the need for more female participation in politics and the approach of a feminist (foreign) policy, including on local level. Current numbers show that less women are engaged in politics since they face hate speech and discrimination when publicly voicing their opinion.

The project aims to train female local politicians and activists in communication and leadership skills so that they can participate effectively in political discourse and decision-making. The project raises awareness of gender inequality, trains and supports politicians and activists in communicating their messages effectively and contributes to combating hate speech and gender-based disinformation. Various formats are planned for this, all of which will contribute to building a network of local politicians and activists from different regions of Europe that will enable mutual support, peer learning and empowerment.

The following activities are planned this year:

  • A digital launch event (August)
  • Three digital workshops on media literacy (digital leadership, combating hate speech and communication strategies) with methods of co-creation processes, including the presentation of best-cases; (August/September)
  • An individual work phase to develop their own communication campaigns or strategies according to their local needs; (September/October)
  • Decentralized network meetings organized by the participants, aiming to connect them with peers and other politicians and activists in their region; (August – October)
  • A closing event (October)

Interested persons can submit their application by using the registration form and sending their CV to the following email addresses: and by 6 August 2023.