Welcoming remarks:

Frode Overland Andersen, Ambassador of Norway to Greece


Ragnhild Steen Jensen, Researcher, Fafo

Dimitris Katsikas, Senior Research Fellow, ELIAMEP; Assistant Professor, and Director of the Research Centre for Economic Policy, Governance & Development, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Daphne Nicolitsas, Scientific Advisor, ELIAMEP; Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Crete

Anne Hege Strand, Researcher, Fafo


Eirini Andriopoulou, Head of the Microeconomic Policy and Microsimulations Division, Council of Economic Advisors, Hellenic Ministry of Finance

Stavros Gavroglou, Director of Active Policies and International Networks, National Institute of Labour and Human Resources (NILHR)

Vasilis Monastiriotis, Associate Professor of Political Economy, European Institute London School of Economics

Konstantinos Pouliakas, Expert, Department for Skills and Labour Market, CEDEFOP

Moderator: Manos Matsaganis, Head of Greek and European Economy Observatory, ELIAMEP; Professor of Public Finance, Polytechnic University of Milan.


The invitation is available here.