On Thursday 28 September, the workshop on “The Digitisation of Work and Labour Relations”, co-organised by the Labour Institute of the General Confederation of Greek Workers (INE-GSEE), the Department of Political Science and Public Administration of the University of Athens, and ELIAMEP, took place at the GSEE amphitheatre. The closed meeting was organised in the framework of the research project ‘Team Hub! – Delivering sustainability to the e-commerce supply chain’. The project’s main objective is to analyse the implications of the boom of e-commerce, especially following COVID-19, and to equip labour unions with knowledge in order to propose a sustainable reshaping of business models and work organisation in its supply chain, also ahead of the digital revolution and of environmental goals.

The workshop participants were: Yiannis Panagopoulos, GSEE President; Maria Gavouneli, ELIAMEP Director General; Christos Goulas (INE-GSEE); Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos, NKUA and ELIAMEP; Varvara Lalioti, NKUA; Ellie Varchalama, NCHR Vice-President; Nikos Iliopoulos, President of the Federation of Machinery Operators of Greece (OXMEE); Evangelos Liggos, President of the Elefsina-West Attica Labour Centre; Apostolos Dallas, President of the Federation of Greek Post Employees (OMYLE); Antonios Angelakis (IME-GSEVEE); Nasos Koratzanis (INE-GSEE); Manolis Manioudis (INEMY-ESEE); Giorgios Argitis (NKUA and INE-GSEE).

It was a closed working meeting in which, for educational reasons, the students of the GSEE Labour Institute also participated.

The programme is available here (in Greek).