ELIAMEP is producing a new special series of podcasts this December about the North Atlantic Council (NATO) under the program “Learning Online About Security”, supported by the NATO Public Diplomacy Division. This week, Amb. (ad. hon.) Thrasyvoulos Terry Stamatopoulos, Senior Policy Advisor at ELIAMEP, talks to ELIAMEP’s Head of Communications Odin Linardatou about: the new challenges that NATO faces, its leading role in the global scene, NATO’s relations with the EU and the US and NATO’s new strategic goals.

You may listen to the new podcast on Soundcloud, Spotify and Youtube.

Publication: Monday December 21st, 2020 |
NATO as a global player
Thrasyvoulos Terry Stamatopoulos Senior Policy Advisor; Amb. (ad hon.), former Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Policy, NATO
Odin Linardatou Head of Communications