In our latest podcast, Panos Karvounis, Senior Policy Advisor at ELIAMEP, Former Director General of the European Commission, talks to Odin Linardatou, ELIAMEP’s Head of Communications, about the major crises facing the EU, the changes these crises have brought about, the way Europe works, the pandemic and pressure on European governments to make bold decisions quickly, Jacques Delors and the EEC, the great opportunity Greece has been given to change the productive model of its economy, crucial elections in France and Germany and how their results will affect the future of the EU, and EU Rule of Law violations by Hungary and Poland.

You can listen to the new podcast on SoundCloud, Spotify and YouTube.

Publication: Friday July 16th, 2021 |
Panos Karvounis Senior Policy Advisor; Former Director General, European Commission
Odin Linardatou Head of Communications