In our latest podcast, to mark the publication of his latest book, Do not shoot Europe ( Papazisis Publishers), Dimitris Kourkoulas, Senior Policy Advisor at ELIAMEP, Former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, former Ambassador to the EU, talks to Odin Linardatou about the scope and contribution of the European acquis, the difficult path and great achievements of the last 70 years that have shaped today’s EU, our contradictory views of Europe, and the dream of a political union of its Member States.

You can listen to the new podcast on SoundCloud, Spotify and YouTube and Google podcasts.

Publication: Friday August 6th, 2021 |
”Do not shoot Europe”
Dimitris Kourkoulas Head, Mediterranean Programme; Former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, former Ambassador of the EU
Odin Linardatou Head of Communications