In our latest podcast, Spyros Blavoukos, Senior Research Fellow, Head of the Ariane Condellis Programme at ELIAMEP, Associate Professor at the Athens University of Economics and Business, talks to Odin Linardatou about the European Union and how it is adapting to the new conditions, about the veto and the removal of the unanimity principle, about changes to the EU treaties, coordinated European action during the pandemic and the war, but also about how confident Europe’s citizens are in the European Union.


You can listen to the new podcast on SoundCloud, Spotify, YouTube and Google podcasts.

Publication: Friday May 20th, 2022 |
Spyros Blavoukos Senior Research Fellow, Head, EU Institutions & Policies Programme; Head of the 'Ariane Condellis' European Programme; Professor, Athens University of Economics & Business
Odin Linardatou Head of Communications