Poros, Greece,  7-10 July 2011

The theme of the 8th Annual European Seminar of ELIAMEP on the island of Poros was:  Adjusting to the Crisis: Policy Choices and Politics in Europe.

This year, the discussion concerned the broader consequences of the economic crisis and the policy choices facing individual countries and the EU as whole. We started with a general discussion of the global and European dimensions of the crisis, its different national manifestations and the corresponding policy responses, in the context of the widening of economic divergence inside Europe. Then discussion turned to the political economy of adjustment, concentrating on internal disparities and the creation of winners and losers within countries. The rise of populism and the effects of the crisis on the old division between Left and Right were the topic of the first session of the second day of the seminar, followed by a discussion of the role of the economic crisis as a catalyst for further integration in Europe. The programme concluded with a panel discussion that will try to pull loose threads together.

The main sponsor for our European seminars has been the European Commission.

Conference Programme

For the conference programme press here.

List of participants

You can find the list of participants here.