Greece and France are moving forward together, writes Dr. George Tzogopoulos, ELIAMEP Research Fellow, in his article for the newspaper TA NEA. Roughly a month after Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis met President Emmanuel Macron in Paris, French Defense Minister Florence Parley visited Athens, while eleven bilateral research and industrial agreements in the shipbuilding field have already been signed. Additionally, the acquirement of defense and intervention Belhara frigates, built by France’s Naval Group, are expected to inaugurate military co-operation between the two countries, points out Dr. Tzogopoulos. Plotting a common course with France is essential to strengthening Greek interests on the European level, concludes Dr. Tzogopoulos.


You can read the article in Greek here.




Publication: Tuesday March 3rd, 2020 | TA NEA
George Tzogopoulos Senior Research Fellow, Media; International relations; Chinese affairs