The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy, in collaboration with the University of Castilla-La Mancha, is launching a call for papers for a virtual workshop on European Courts and Digital Media that will take place on 19 November 2020.

The workshop on European Courts and Digital Media aims to work towards a better understanding of the digital media jurisprudence of the European courts. It seeks to probe the role of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in the governance of digital media in an interdisciplinary setting. It targets speakers from law, political science, media and communication studies, and technology. It encourages both junior (PhD level) and senior researchers and academics to apply.

The workshop adopts a broad understanding of the concept of digital media. Besides traditional news media that operate online, digital media is understood to encompass digital native media, social media, news aggregators and various digital intermediaries. Such a broad understanding of digital media seeks to capture the variety of tools currently available for expression and for seeking, receiving and imparting information and ideas in the digital age.

We specifically invite papers on the following topics:

  • Legal standards for digital media and rule-interpretation by the CJEU and the ECtHR
  • The role of European courts in shaping the conditions for free speech and freedom of information online
  • European courts’ digital media case law and tensions between free speech and other rights and interests
  • Judicial dialogue between European courts; and between national and European courts in digital media cases
  • European courts and strategic litigation in digital media cases
  • European courts and their impact on digital media policy-making, fundamental freedoms and democracy.

Selected papers will be considered for a collective publication with a renowned publisher.

If you are interested to participate as a speaker and deliver a paper, please send an abstract of your paper (300-500 words), together with a short biographical note, to Evangelia Psychogiopoulou and Susana de la Sierra.

Key dates and deadlines:

Deadline for abstract submissions: 31 July 2020. Notification to authors: 14 September 2020.

Draft papers submission: 13 November 2020.

Conference date: 19 November 2020.

Publication: Thursday July 2nd, 2020 |
Evangelia Psychogiopoulou Senior Research Fellow, European Law & Governance, Fundamental Rights and EU Values, EU Law-Making, EU Law and Policies for the Digital Transformation, Cultural Diversity, the Media, EU Horizontal Policy Priorities, European Judicial Dialogue