“For all the talk around the morally-bankrupt Western civilization, “impositions” from Europe, and what sets New Turkey apart, there are some basic facts that cannot be ignored by Turkey’s politicians. A) The Turkish economy will continue to rely on the West for its exports and imports, its technology (including military), and finance (short-term, portfolio and FDI). All diversification efforts have largely failed. B) Ankara’s choices have forever derailed the prospect of an EU accession and a different set of relations has to be defined. Charting a new course will require a shared political understanding on key norms and standards. C) Although it is not obvious now, the most negative consequence for Turkey is its negative perception by investors and rating agencies, and the ensuing rejections. D) Turkey’s political and economic standing will worsen long-term if it does not recalibrate its policy to follow that of NATO’s. E) The net balance of Turkey’s military operations in Northern Syria and Western Libya so far has been to the benefit of Russia, not Turkey. In addition, the ‘export’ of Syrian jihadists to Libya has created a new and dangerous situation for Europe, the Maghreb and the Sahel,” writes Marc Pierini in his article for newspaper TA NEA.

You may find the article in Greek here.

Publication: Monday September 21st, 2020 | ΤΑ ΝΕΑ