“This is Erdoğan’s Turkey. Still, this is our neighbor and we are doomed to co-exist and to do so we must resolve our differences. Unfortunately, the constant postponement, the ‘let’s leave it for later’ foreign policy doctrine towards Turkey after the fall of the dictatorship (the exception being the eras of Konstantinos Karamanlis and Costas Simitis), does not favor Greece. Turkey in 1974 numbered 38 million, today 84, in 2030 it will be 90. Demographically, it will be younger than all Western European countries. Luckily, Turkey is not only our neighbor and our problem to deal with. It is Europe’s problem,” writes George Pagoulatos in his article for the Sunday Edition of Kathimerini.

You may find the article in Greek here

Publication: Monday September 28th, 2020 | Καθημερινή της Κυριακής
George Pagoulatos
George Pagoulatos Ambassador to the OECD; Professor of European Politics and Economy at the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB)