“The job of those promoting communication and collaboration is a difficult one, particularly following the initiatives Turkey has been taking. Yet, this is why diplomacy exists. I believe that the upcoming visit of the German Foreign Minister in our region, in Greece, Turkey and Cyprus, might spark a change in Turkey’s Navtex. They might issue a recall, they might alter it in some way that will allow the exploratory talks to move forward. Regardless, I find that the Greek side is strengthened following latest developments. It is now clear that Greece is the actor that promotes dialogue and bilateral communication, the actor that avoids unilateral moves that could result to unilateral responses from the other side and an escalation to the tension,” said Ioannis N. Grigoriadis in his interview with radio station Athens 9.84.

You may find the interview in Greek here.

Publication: Wednesday October 14th, 2020 | Αθήνα 9.84
Ioannis N. Grigoriadis Senior Research Fellow, Head, Turkey Programme; Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies