“Most likely, the winner of this election will be decided in court, as was the case in 2000. But this time, whoever may be on the losing side does not seem willing to accept this. An illegitimate President in the eyes of the other half of the electorate is already a heavy blow to the integrity and legitimacy of the electoral process. This, combined with the systematic spread of untruths and misinformation by the current resident of the White House throughout the pandemic and the four years of his administration, reflects a deep crisis in American democracy, already experiencing the sharpest polarization of the last 50 years. The impact of this election on the international multilateral system, the global climate, international stability and peace, liberal democracy worldwide, and Euro-Atlantic relations is crucial,” writes George Pagoulatos, Director General of ELIAMEP, in his article for iefimerida.gr

You can read the whole article here.


Publication: Wednesday November 4th, 2020 | iefimerida.gr
George Pagoulatos
George Pagoulatos Ambassador to the OECD; Professor of European Politics and Economy at the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB)