Ioannis Armakolas was invited to speak with Alexandros Logothetis on the Greek Program of SBS Radio (Australia) about recent developments in the wider Balkan region and how they affect Greece.

Focusing on the recent elections in North Macedonia, he explained the new dynamics that are emerging in the country following the victory of the nationalist VMRO-DPMNE, referring to the role the country’s Albanian parties play both within the country and in North Macedonia’s bilateral relations with Greece.

He also underlined the importance of the Prespa Agreement, both for bilateral relations between Greece and North Macedonia and—as a counterbalance for Turkey’s significant influence in the region—for the overall stability of the Balkans.

Finally, he referred to the visit which the Albanian Prime Minister made to Athens, explaining the reasons for, and objectives of, his visit, and stressing the need to find channels of communication with Albania and introduce measures designed to built confidence between the two countries.

You can listen to the interview in Greek here.

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Publication: Friday May 17th, 2024 | SBS Radio Ελληνικά
Ioannis Armakolas Senior Research Fellow, Head, South-East Europe Programme