There is an abundance of information and debates on the crisis which has shaken Greece and has challenged the Eurozone since May 2010 when it became apparent that Greece was unable to service its soaring debt. In the summer of 2010 the European Commission (EC), the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (MF), the so-called ‘troika’, bailed it out. In July 2011 asecond rescue package was offered to Greece on the condition of structural reforms which the Greek government has promised to implement.

The crisis is on-going and continues to make ‘front page news’. Still, there is a dearth of sites where one can find a pool of documented arguments about the causes, evolution and possible consequences of the crisis in Greece and the Eurozone. There is a lot of day-to-day reporting on the crisis as well as many conspiracy scenarios, which do not help the informed citizen to assess the situation.

ELIAMEP has started pooling together academic and policy-oriented papers on the crisis, published electronically or in printed form. It also offer press reviews on the issue. The aim of the Foundation is to provide informed citizens of Greece, Europeand the world with selected pieces of economic, political, social and cultural analysis which go beyond a descriptive presentation of the crisis. Visitors of its website who can easily read on-line or download any of the papers or reports made available for free through this site. Visitors are also welcome to suggest the addition of new papers or reports to this collection.

Greek Crisis Related Articles

TOP 10 Greek crisis articles 2011

Perspectives on Business and Economics (volume 30) “Greece: The Epic Battle for Economic Recovery

Panayotis Gavras, Parable of the Patient

Economic Factsheet

Press Briefing – January 2012

Press Briefing 1-16 February 2012

Press Briefing: March 2012

Press Briefing: Greek Elections




Δημοσίευση: Saturday November 5th, 2011